Monday, January 16, 2012

Menu Monday

Monday: Chipotle Lime Crusted Chicken, roasted potatos, veggies
Tuesday:  Chicago for Bulls game!
Wednesday:  Chicago still, hopefully Chipotle
Thursday:  Matt working
Friday:  dinner at Matt's work
Saturday:  Matt working
Sunday:  lunch-beef stew in the crock pot

Monday, January 9, 2012

Menu Monday

Monday:  leftovers
Tuesday:  sour cream enchiladas, mexican rice, corn
Wednesday:  martini night
Thursday:  marinated grilled chicken (in Italian dressing), roasted potatos, mixed veggies
Friday:  meet Matt for dinner
Saturday:  leftovers
Sunday:  beef stew  **need to remember to post that recipe because it's amazing and I'm always forgetting where I leave it!